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Render partners with Calix to revolutionalize fiber network deployment

Render partners with Calix to revolutionalize fiber network deployment

06/ 01/ 2021

Render joins the Calix Partner Community offering Calix service provider customers deployment cost savings (via standardized workflows and streamlined construction) to efficiently and quickly build future-proof fiber and wireless networks. 

SAN JOSE, CA – January 7, 2021 – Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) today announced a partnership with Render Networks (Render) to offer Calix customers premium access to its unique Digital Network Construction platform. Render works with regional communications service providers (CSPs) across the U.S. and in multiple countries to cost-effectively build fiber and wireless networks and deliver broadband connectivity to more than 800,000 locations. As the newest member of the Calix Partner Community, Render brings a digital construction management platform that uses GPS, mobile technology, and automation to significantly improve network quality and cut delivery timelines by as much as 50 percent for some customers. With access to the Calix Intelligent Access EDGE solution, the Render partnership promises to deliver even greater efficiency to Calix customers throughout the network buildout process.

Render’s leadership features decades of experience in every aspect of technology and telecom deployments, including strategic oversight and mobilization of large-scale telecommunications infrastructure projects globally. By working alongside Calix, Render expands awareness of its digital approach and savings related to streamlined network delivery, integrated construction, quality assurance, and change processes for markets across North America and globally.

“Considering the influx of private funding through programs like RDOF, CAF II, and even strategic partnerships, underserved markets can now level the playing field and are aggressively building networks,” said Sam Pratt, chief executive officer for Render Networks.

“Now is the perfect moment to bring together Render’s deep innovation expertise with Calix’s market-leading solutions.”

Render and Calix are committed to revolutionizing network construction. Service providers now have everything they need to get their communities connected rapidly. Initiatives to build future-proof networks bring new learning, health, and employment opportunities to underserved communities.

Render’s innovative approach was founded eight years ago and is proven across multiple markets, including the U.S. and Australia, where Render has been adopted by large contractors and engineering providers to deliver Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN.CO), which currently connects eight million homes and businesses.

Calix established the Calix Partner Community to bring together organizations that share a vision to help CSPs deliver their broadband services faster, stay competitive, and grow their businesses. The partner program enables the Calix team to work closely with a growing ecosystem of value-added resellers, system integrators, and consultants.

“Based on its experience as a major player in delivering networks across the U.S. and Australia’s National Broadband Network at the required speed and scale, Render adds immense value to the Calix Partner Community,” said Matt Collins, chief marketing officer for Calix. “As CSPs and other entities determine how best to put government subsidies to use to build broadband networks across the U.S., simply providing network solutions is not enough.

"A partner like Render enables Calix to combine our best-of-breed technology and rural deployment experience with their unique ability to maximize network construction efficiency. This partnership will help CPSs of all sizes get their communities connected to the best broadband services quickly, at the lowest possible cost.”


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