Register to receive the Executive Forum on-demand
As the industry continues to respond to the pandemic and explore new ways to operate and drive growth, ISE and Render are bringing together a team of industry leaders to highlight areas of opportunity and ways for network operators and their trusted partners to maximize their investment, accelerate deployment and connect customers smarter and faster in 2021.
Key predictions will cover:
+ Best-practice network deployment trends and approaches
+ Funding models
+ Innovative and future-ready technologies
+ Strategic partnerships
Join us on Tuesday, January 26 for an interactive, insights-led virtual forum, covering:
+ Industry leader panel and Q&A: 2020 highlights and learnings with innovation examples and key delivery predictions, including future directions and approaches telecom and broadband providers should be considering to generate efficiency and customer value.
+ FCC funding roadmap: From broadband grants and funding to delivery – where to from here?
Industry Panel:
Christopher Ali Kara Mullaley Isak Finér Sam Pratt
Associate Professor Market Development Manager. CMO & VP, North America. CEO
University of Virginia Corning COS Systems Render Networks