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Broadband network deployment is ripe for innovation

The demand far outpaces the speed and scale at which telecommunications infrastructure can be built and the entire industry is tasked with building a connected future, fast.

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Increasing pressure to accelerate infrastructure

To achieve these aggressive build schedules, traditional construction methods – spreadsheets, paper construction prints, emails, and other manual methods – will simply not achieve the expected productivities, financial returns, or delivery timeline.

Introducing Digital Network Construction

Utilizing today’s GIS and mobile technology and the power of automation, Render’s unique approach solves the complexities associated with large-scale network deployment by replacing manual handoffs and paper-based construction approaches with digital workflows and data capture, automation, and geospatial intelligence.

Deployment success is built on four key principles


Turn the design into work, and build the design

Geospatial, digital scope of work: Sequenced with dependencies built-in

Our proprietary Blueprinting process transforms design files into a task-level digital scope of work. The output is thousands of tasks, including BOQ/BOM, sequenced for optimal delivery and enabling end-to-end automation.

Task Sequencing
Cloud-based GIS software with a mobile, connected workforce

Field teams are delivered tasks that are ready to commence based on an optimal build sequence. Teams know exactly what they need to do and capture accurate, consistent data as soon as the work is completed in order to optimize quality and minimize costly rework.


Workflow digitization, automation, and optimization

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Daily dependency-driven resource optimization

Greater resource utilization by releasing and managing work based on sequenced, task-level work scope at the individual and team level. Stakeholders can dynamically reschedule work in real-time to the most efficient contractors.

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Replace manual, paper-based processes

Eliminate physical construction prints and the associated manual handoffs with an entirely paperless network delivery accelerated by rich, real-time project data and a new level of visibility on geospatial maps.

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As-built data mapped to downstream system requirements

Construction, change, quality, digital redline, and photo data are collected at the task level with mandatory data capture requirements. Timely receipt of complete, accurate As-built data for downstream utilization results in a significantly reduced time-to-market.


Real-time geospatial visibility for all stakeholders

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Make better decisions with unified data

All project stakeholders require a shared platform at a program or portfolio level to predict, plan, optimize, and report progress. Identify where assets are, task completeness, and where to allocate more resources – in a simple, unified view.

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Unequalled productivity from the field to the office

With access to real-time data in the field, management in the office know exactly what work has been done in real-time, enabling them to dynamically monitor throughput and proactively keep teams moving.

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Maximize investment and integration of existing project systems

Construction management integration with existing GIS, master scheduling, work order, PNI, and finance systems is critical to removing the need for error-prone end-user spreadsheets and delivering actionable insights.


One integrated workflow: Manage QA, change and digital redlining as you go

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Render progressively identifies and rectifies quality issues, variations, and redlining in parallel with construction, avoiding costs and delays at project completion.

Deliver a timely and accurate record of the network for close-out, whilst seamlessly integrating with downstream systems and enabling streamlined customer connection experiences.

‘With Render, productivity is off the charts, data integrity is high, and construction costs are down, all without ever touching a piece of paper. Now I can’t imagine trying to implement a large-scale utilities construction project without it.’

Jeremiah Sloan | COO 

Craighead Electric Cooperative Corporation (CECC) were required to deploy a 3,000-mile fiber network as efficiently as possible, at minimum cost while maintaining the integrity of their existing network Render have enabled the project to:


ahead of deployment schedule yet 12% under budget


outside plant is being deployed 84% faster than planned


saving in forecasted resourcing

We're here to help you
build networks better

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